
Rationality in Social Interactions

Guido Olschewski

ISBN 978-3-8325-2368-8
130 pages, year of publication: 2009
price: 34.00 €
Rationality in Social Interactions
The analysis of human decision making in social sciences is often based on a conception of rationality. This dissertation contains three microeconomic models, which directly build on the rationality assumption in economic theory. We model agents endowed with rational preferences and analyze how such preferences translate into decisions in a given social interaction. In particular, we present three different models: (1) Arrovian social choice theory with delegation as a feasible policy alternative; (2) Game theory and the existence of mental equilibrium in 2x2 games; (3) Information economics and its application to analyzing stakeholder participation in electronic health record networks.

cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
  • Rationality
  • Social Choice Theory
  • Game Theory
  • Information Economics


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