About Us

Logos Verlag Berlin is an independent academic publishing house welcoming authors from all disciplines. Our goal is to provide a speedy service to authors so that their research results can be made promptly available to the public. We attach particular importance to the personal relationships that we cultivate with our authors. We respect our authors' ideas and accompany each publication personally: from drafting the contract, typesetting, layout and the cover design to deciding on the most appropriate format.

More than 5000 authors and editors have entrusted us with their work since our foundation in 1995. We publish about 200 publications every year, each executed with promptness and care. We also publish over 90 series, which reflect the most recent research carried out in their respective fields.

Add your publication to our wide-ranging collection and become an author at Logos Verlag Berlin. Write to us, call us, or drop by for a visit - we look forward to receiving your submissions!
Our Team
Dr. Volkhard Buchholtz —
  • Diplom-physicist (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • PhD (Dr. rer. nat. — Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
  • Foundation of the Logos Verlag in 1995

Program / Author Management
Claudia Elisabeth Kaufmann —
  • Bachelor of Arts, Literaturwissenschaft (Universität Erfurt)
  • Master of Arts, Literaturwissenschaft (Universität Erfurt)
  • im Verlag seit 2024
Anastassia Kostrioukova —
  • Bachelor of Arts, Literary Studies, French and Slavic Literatures (University of Toronto)
  • Master of Arts, Slavic Languages and Literatures (University of Toronto)
  • PhD, Department of Comparative Literature (New York University)
  • since 2017
Hannah Kropla —
  • Bachelor of Arts, Sociology (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)
  • Master of Arts, Social sciences (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)
  • since 2023
Monika Judis —
  • training as a bookseller
  • since 2021
Public Relations
Mara Kaemmel —
  • philosophy and organisation of science (Humboldt-Universität Berlin)
  • journalism training (Henri Nannen Schule in Hamburg)
  • editor at STERN
  • since 2001