The development and validation of a revised Friendship Activity Scale and Adjective Checklist for use in the Indonesian Unified Sports program
Erick Burhaein, Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza, Nevzat Demirci
International Sports Studies. Physical Education and Sport in Indonesia – Perspectives from 2020 42 No. 3 (2020)
https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.42-e.03 pp: 18-28 2020-12-11
Stichworte/keywords: intellectual disability (ID), measurement, psycho-social, unified sports, validity
Cite: APA BibTeX
Burhaein, E., & Phytanza, D.T.P., & Demirci, N. (2020). The development and validation of a revised Friendship Activity Scale and Adjective Checklist for use in the Indonesian Unified Sports program. International Sports Studies. Physical Education and Sport in Indonesia – Perspectives from 2020, 42 (3), 18-28. doi:10.30819/iss.42-e.03
doi = {10.30819/iss.42-e.03},
url = {https://doi.org/10.30819/iss.42-e.03},
year = 2020,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {42},
number = {3},
pages = {18-28},
author = {Erick Burhaein, Diajeng Tyas Pinru Phytanza, Nevzat Demirci},
title = {The development and validation of a revised Friendship Activity Scale and Adjective Checklist for use in the Indonesian Unified Sports program},
journal = {International Sports Studies. Physical Education and Sport in Indonesia – Perspectives from 2020}
The Friendship Activity Scale and the Adjective Checklist were initially developed in the USA
for the purpose of measuring children’s attitudes towards intellectual disability (Siperstein,
1980). This research reports the development and validation of an Indonesian revision of these
instruments, the Friendship Activity Observation Test (FAOT) and the Adjective Observational
Checklistl (AOT) for use in its unified sports program (Special Olympics). Nine experts, with
national and international level experience of 12-30 years, participated in this research. They
comprised a psychometry expert, a sports psychology expert, a children with intellectual
disability (ID) expert, a sport tests and measurements expert, and five unified sports trainers of
children with ID. Content validity ratio (CVR) was used to assess the validity of the revised
items. Following the formula proposed by Lawshe, the provision of a minimum value of CVR
0.78 was established as the criterion. Following the Delphi process, the average validity value
of the items in each instrument was 0.945 for the FAOT and 0.941 for the AOT. The resulting
drafts were then further tested and refined to check the content, construct, and rationale using
the expert panel. The FAOT and AOT instruments when compared to the original versions were
found to have increased utility in the Indonesian context as a result of increased balance in the
number of indicators and items defining each factor, adjusting to the socio-cultural context of
Indonesia, corresponding the instrument items and indicators to the context of unified sports for
ID children, and the provision of implementation instructions, lattices instruments, as well as
an observation-based rating rubric.