
Translation and Gender: Beyond Power and Boundaries

Germanistik in der Türkei, Bd. 26

Faruk Yücel, Mehmet Tahir Öncü (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-5763-8
180 pages, year of publication: 2023
price: 41.00 €
Translation and Gender: Beyond Power and Boundaries
Language as a complex and dynamic phenomenon is an important instrument for reflecting individual and social identity. The formation of languages under the influence of specific norms and rules, which depend on historical and cultural developments, goes beyond their mere use as a means of communication. Languages are used to formulate thoughts, express emotions, demonstrate behaviour and produce artistic texts as skills and actions. Languages are also used to exert pressure, direct thoughts and influence people. Especially since the 1970s, under the influence of women's rights and feminist approaches in the West, language has played a prominent role in the reflection on gender and identity in cultural, linguistic and literary studies. This influence has led to an increased awareness of how language shapes and perpetuates concepts of gender and identity. Against this backdrop, this thesis will analyse various dimensions of the linguistic construction of gender and identity and examine their impact on socio-cultural structures. Translation and Gender: Beyond Power and Boundaries is an anthology of studies that analyse in depth the connections between translation and gender, translation and women, and translation and feminist understanding. The publication offers the opportunity to discuss various topics and answer questions related to different approaches.

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  • Translation
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • History of Translation
  • Cultural contact and transfer
  • Gender Studies


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