
Heterarchical Production Planning and Control Architectures in the Context of Industry 4.0. Complexity-based Selection and Guidance for Implementation

Advances in Information Systems and Management Science, Bd. 67

Dennis Horstkemper

ISBN 978-3-8325-5691-4
328 pages, year of publication: 2024
price: 49.50 €
Heterarchical Production Planning and Control Architectures in the Context of Industry 4.0. Complexity-based Selection and Guidance for Implementation
Hierarchical production planning and control (PPC) comes to its’ limits when facing production structures with small lot-sizes and varied product structures. Thus, a newfound focus on heterarchical PPC, i.e., a mixture of centralised and decentralised planning, is found in research. However, past research is often neglected within this field. Hence, this thesis focuses on integrating various research streams, making the body of knowledge in this topic area available to practitioners and researchers alike.

To support in the selection and implementation of heterarchical PPC architectures, this thesis covers topics ranging from assessing, whether the employment of a heterarchical PPC architecture is beneficial for an enterprise, over the selection of a specific heterarchical PPC architecture, towards the implementation and customisation of the chosen architecture. Following the design science research framework, various research methodologies are used, ranging from structured literature research and expert interviews over machine learning towards adaptations of enterprise architecture standards. The overall approach is finally evaluated through three case studies.

Dennis Horstkemper graduated in Business Information Systems at the University of Paderborn. Afterwards, he pursued his doctorate in Information Systems at the University of Münster, where he worked as a research assistant at the European Research Center for Information Systems (ERCIS). His research areas cover methodologies like Enterprise Architecture Management and Operations Research applied in domains like Production Planning, Logistics, and Crisis Management.

  • Production planning and control
  • Heterarchical planning
  • Enterprise Architecture Management
  • Industry 4.0
  • Agent-based System


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