
The Role of the Media in Shaping Physical Activity and Pro-Health Interests in Students

Jedrzej Skrzypczak, Tadeusz Wallas (eds.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-5499-6
137 pages, year of publication: 2022
price: 38.00 €
The Role of the Media in Shaping Physical Activity and Pro-Health Interests in Students
The main objective of the scientific project was to examine the impact of media messages on interests, preferences, and, primarily, the attitudes of academic youth related to sports and physical activity. According to the researchers involved, the issue seems noteworthy, because the media has been in the process of radical transformation. One of the effects is the change in the forms and platforms of media consumption, especially among young persons belonging to the ``Z'' generation.

The research team faced many probing questions. First of all, how are the interests, preferences, and attitudes of university youth to academic sports and a healthy lifestyle shaped? To what extent does the current media offer related to the mentioned topics remain compatible with them (at the level of national and academic media)? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Polish system of media messages regarding academic sports and a lifestyle conducive to health? Secondly, attempts were made to answer the question to what extent contemporary university audio-visual media can support the concept of influencing the student community in popularising physical activity? Thirdly, To what extent can contemporary social media (available on the internet) support the notion of influencing the student environment by promoting physical activity? Finally, How can the information selection and thematic scope be shaped to influence the academic community in furthering sports effectively?

We hope that this work will contribute to the proper use of all available media communication channels to improve the physical condition and health of the ``Z'' or ``C'' (i.e. Connected) generation. They do not know life and the world without the network.

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  • Media Impact
  • Academic Sports
  • Health
  • Lifestyle
  • Physical Activity


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