
Culture: Raise ‘low’, Rethink ‘high.’ A Representation of the Academic Potential of So-Called 'Low' Culture

Emma Buchanan (Ed.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-5130-8
196 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2020
Preis: 39.00 €
Culture: Raise ‘low’, Rethink ‘high.’ A Representation of the Academic Potential of So-Called 'Low' Culture
Despite (or more likely due to) being the culture which most affects and interacts with the masses, the broad and definition-evading category of 'popular culture' remains a second-class citizen in academia, relegated to a position of 'low' below a culture deemed 'high' and worthy of scholarly inquiry. This eclectic collection of essays aims to convince that this inequality must be addressed by exploring a variety of supposedly 'low' cultural types and texts through an academic lens, proving that so-called 'low' culture can be a valuable contribution to academic research.

That said, raising the 'low' does not mean making it 'high', turning it into an elite category to be accessed only by experts. Rather, the authors are unswerving in their approach that academic writing and fan writing are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, it is their knowledge and passion as fans of their subject matter that has inspired their chapters, all of which draw upon their considerable experience of engaging as fans in what they discuss. All the chapters have been written by postgraduate students seeking to inspire a new empiricism through which their interests might be fully pursued in their futures as scholars.

Emma Buchanan is a British postgraduate researcher and television fan who is currently writing up her PhD thesis on the topic of gender and change in AMC's "The Walking Dead" as understood from the point of view of Jungian depth psychology.

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  • popular culture
  • cultural studies
  • television
  • film
  • music


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