
International and European Environmental Law with Reference to German Environmental Law

Lothar Knopp, Alicia A. Epstein, Jan Hoffmann

ISBN 978-3-8325-4891-9
103 pages, year of publication: 2019
price: 29.00 €
International and European Environmental Law with Reference to German Environmental Law
This guide has been conceived as a companion to students of international study programs, who are required to take courses in environmental law, to help them navigate their way through the subject matter. The target group is not limited to students with previous legal knowledge; it expressly includes those who are not law students but are studying law as a complementary subject.

In a condensed manner, the guide provides an overview of the fundamentals and most significant developments of environmental law, focusing on international and European environmental law. This is done by deliberately making connections to German environmental law in order to illustrate and make comprehensible the interplay between international environmental law, European environmental law, and - in referring to the German case - national environmental law. Drawing on climate protection as an example of global significance, the relations between these three levels are explored in-depth and their foundations and development discussed.

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Lothar Knopp holds the Chair of Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, and Environmental Law at Brandenburg University of Technology (BTU) Cottbus-Senftenberg and is Executive Director of the Centre for Law and Administration. Environmental law including European and international environmental law has been one of his main areas of teaching and research for many years.

Dr. Alicia Epstein, LL.M., joined the Centre for Law and Administration in 2018 as a researcher and holds an LL.M., as well as a PhD in Law from the University of Leeds, England. Her specialisation and research interests are situated at the intersection of European Union, agricultural and transnational environmental law, and are generally framed around questions relating to food security and the ecological impacts of production agriculture.

Privatdozent Dr. iur. habil. Jan Hoffmann, LL.M. Eur., is the Deputy of the Executive Director of the Centre for Law and Administration and associate professor. He teaches EU Law at BTU. His research interest is Environmental Law. In his habilitation treatise he argues the case for a principle of ``environmentally sound corporate governance''.

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  • International Environmental Law
  • European Environmental Law
  • German Environmental Law
  • Climate Protection Law
  • Environment


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