
The Value of Supply Chain Visibility when Yield is Random

Marcus Dettenbach

ISBN 978-3-8325-3990-0
140 pages, year of publication: 2015
price: 34.50 €
The Value of Supply Chain Visibility when Yield is Random
This book focuses on supply chains with uncertainty due to random yields. A common assumption in such systems is that the yields are observable only after all transportation or production steps are completed. The actual yield realization however happens earlier during the process. Technological advances and stronger supply chain collaboration make it possible to observe yield realization in real time and therefore close the time gap between the event and the observation. Within this thesis optimal and heuristic policies are developed that make use of this new type of information in various supply chain settings. These policies are used to identify conditions under which real time yield information is particularly beneficial.

This book is relevant to both scholars and practitioners interested in managing supply chains with random yields.

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Table of contents (PDF)


  • inventory management
  • random yield
  • value of information
  • RFID
  • semiconductor manufacturing


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