
The Euro-Atlantic System in a Multipolar World. A Forecast

Jósef M. Fiszer, Jakub Wódka, Pawel Olszewski, Tomasz Paszewski, Agnieszka Cianciara, Agnieszka Orzelska-Staczek

ISBN 978-3-8325-3877-4
180 pages, year of publication: 2015
price: 37.00 €
The Euro-Atlantic System in a Multipolar World. A Forecast
Rezension: "Obwohl man den Autor_innen einen gewissen Eurozentrismus unterstellen muss, sind die Beiträge für die Diskussion um Global Governance interessant und auch insbesondere als Hinweis auf eine polnische Perspektive, für die etwa das Thema Sicherheit vor Russland von gröerer Bedeutung sein dürfte als in der deutschen Debatte.." Sven-Jacob Sieg In: pw-portal,, veröffentlicht am 16.6.2016

Inhalt: Euro-Atlantic system, and especially the relationship between the US and the European Union and NATO cooperation with the EU, despite the difficulties, are and will be one of the most important elements in the process of building a new global multipolar order. However, the United States and the European Union should pursue a more correlated international policy, based on a realistic and idealistic vision of the world. The world needs the Euro-Atlantic community, as there is no and there won't be in the near future such integrated community of values and interests in the new emerging global order. The above problems are describe in this monograph, which was written in the framework of the research project called: ''The role of the Euro-Atlantic system in a multipolar world in the context of the emerging new global order.''

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Table of contents (PDF)


  • Euro-Atlantic system
  • new global multipolar order
  • correlated international policy
  • Euro-Atlantic community


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