Slope movements of the earthflow type - engineering-geological investigation, geotechnical assessment and modelling of the source areas on the basis of case studies from the Alps and Apennines
Winfried Schädler
ISBN 978-3-8325-2737-2
236 pages, year of publication: 2011
price: 54.80 €
This thesis deals with natural slope-movements of the earthflow-type. The main thematic focus of the work is on the investigation of the so-called source areas located in the upper parts of the affected slopes. On the basis of two present-day and socio-economically relevant case studies in Northern Italy selected aspects of the source areas were investigated. This was done mainly by means of numerical modelling. In one case study the numerical modelling concept was combined with an inverse modelling strategy.
Generally, the results obtained in both case studies demonstrate the importance of detailed field investigations as basis for numerical models. The determinateness of the modelled problem depends on the availability of such data, which is limited by the large dimensions of the investigated phenomena and by the heterogeneity of the involved materials as well as the uncertainties underlying the determination of the geometry of these problems.