
Low-Noise and Low-Power CMOS Amplifiers, Analog Front-Ends, and Systems for Biomedical Signal Acquisition

Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Medizinelektronik, Bd. 2

Jakob M. Tomasik

ISBN 978-3-8325-2481-4
210 pages, year of publication: 2010
price: 37.00 €
Low-Noise and Low-Power CMOS Amplifiers, Analog Front-Ends, and Systems for Biomedical Signal Acquisition
This work describes the analysis, design and realisation of biomedical amplifiers and analog front-end building blocks implemented in CMOS technology. In this context, a 1.2 V, 130 nm CMOS operational amplifier design is presented which allows to adjust its noise and power specifications. The amplifier and front-end concepts were used in the design of biomedical system-on-chip solutions that include calibration and DC-offset supression techniques.

  • Medizinelektronik
  • CMOS
  • Integrierte Schaltung
  • Analoges Frontend
  • Operationsverstärker


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