Model Driven Software Engineering - Transformations and Tools
Roland Petrasch, Florian Fieber, Mirjana Ivanovic, Zoran Budimac, Dragan Macos, Nils Mitoussis [Hrsg.]
ISBN 978-3-8325-2187-5
132 pages, year of publication: 2009
price: 24.00 €
The 3rd workshop of the special Interest Group "Model Driven Software Engeneering" (SIG MDSE) on Dec. 11-12, in Berlin Germany, focused on transformations, transformation languages and tools. Contributions: Refinement Transformation Support for QVT Relational Transformations, MDA Transformation Languages, Modelling Graphical User Interfaces for embedded Systems, User Interfaces from Task Models, HCI Patterns in the Context of Model Driven Development for Interactive Systems, On-the-fly MDA application modelling using Executable and Translabale UML, An Application of the MDSE Principles in IIS*Case, GenGMF - Efficent editor development for large meta models using the Graphical Modeling Framework, Modelling Behavior by Activity Diagrams and Complete Code Generation, Model-Driven Architecture for an Interactive Ajax Mapping Platform, Customizing the JET2 Template Engine.