Guidelines for Contributors
Articles should be written in English, in a clear, succinct and accessible manner. Authors must sign upon submission for review a statement indicating that the submitted work is their original work, complies with the ethical guidelines for research in the area of study, and is not under publication consideration elsewhere. Breaches of ethical standards will result in immediate withdrawal of the manuscript from review and notification of the breach to journal readers and other affected parties (e.g. other journal where work published or under review; original author of work).
Submissions are invited from any of the disciplines used in
developing understanding and providing explanations to the field of cultural management.
Authors must comply with our Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.
All work submitted should be original, unpublished work, not
under consideration elsewhere. All submissions undergo a
thorough blind peer-review process. Accepted papers become
the copyright of the journal.
Articles should be submitted preferably as a Microsoft
Word document. Manuscripts should be in English. Contributors whose native language is
other than English are encouraged to consult an English language specialist to
ensure that the manuscript is suitable for publication.
- Manuscripts (up to 6000 words) should include an abstract of 150-200 words, and have 5 keywords placed at the beginning of the article.
- Quotations of 35-40 words or more should be displayed as indented text.
- Try to avoid using too many notes. Where they are necessary, they must be brief and should appear at the end of the text and before the references.
- References should conform to the American Psychological Association format
(see APA Publication Manual, 2009, 6th Edition).
- As far as possible any information that would lead to identification of the authors should be removed from the manuscript itself.
- A second file should be provided as a title page which includes the names of all authors in the appropriate order for publication and with details of their
institutional affiliation(s). The lead or corresponding author must be clearly
identified and full contact details provided.
- Internet sites must be cited according to the APA Style for electronic sources.
- Articles not conforming to the above specifications may be returned to the
authors for correction prior to review.
- The editors retain the right to make limited editorial change to manuscripts that have successfully completed the initial review process. Such changes will be returned to the author for approval prior to publication.
Submissions should be made through the Logos Editorial System. This can be
accessed by
- Returning authors may log into their personal account. First time users of the system will be required to register a new account before logging in.
- Be sure to attach paper and abstract, title page and author details as two separate Word files as specified in the guidelines for contributors.
In case of difficulties please contact our editorial team directly by email:
Review Process
Papers received are first assessed by the editors for their potential suitability for inclusion in the journal (see
about CMSE). Following this process the author is advised by the editor of the initial outcome. If the paper is deemed as fitting the criteria for inclusion in the journal then it is forwarded with all details of the authors removed from the document to two independent members of the review board or to an appropriately qualified guest reviewer for evaluation. Reviewers complete and return reports to the editor in chief usually within two weeks. The editor on receiving the reviewers' reports collates the information and conveys the outcome of the process to the author. In the case of disagreement between reviewers on the merit and appropriateness of the paper, further input may be sought and additional review undertaken. In all cases the editor's judgment is final. The process can normally be expected to take between 4 and 6 weeks.
See also our Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement.