Bestattungen und Funde menschlicher Knochen in der früh- bis mittelbronzezeitlichen befestigten Siedlung von Monkodonja, Istrien (Kroatien)
Barbara Teẞmann, Kristina Mihovilić (†) und Biba Teržan
Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Beiheft 3 (2024)
https://doi.org/10.30819/mbgaeu.b45.9 pp: 155-168 2025-01-14
Stichworte/keywords: Bronze Age, fortified settlement, graves, isolated human bones
Cite: APA BibTeX
Teẞmann, B., & Teržan, K.M.(.u.B. (). Bestattungen und Funde menschlicher Knochen in der früh- bis mittelbronzezeitlichen befestigten Siedlung von Monkodonja, Istrien (Kroatien). Bestattungen und Funde menschlicher Knochen in der früh- bis mittelbronzezeitlichen befestigten Siedlung von Monkodonja, Istrien (Kroatien), , 155-168. doi:10.30819/mbgaeu.b45.9
doi = {10.30819/mbgaeu.b45.9},
url = {https://doi.org/10.30819/mbgaeu.b45.9},
year = ,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {},
pages = {155-168},
author = {Barbara Teẞmann, Kristina Mihovilić (†) und Biba Teržan},
title = {Bestattungen und Funde menschlicher Knochen in der früh- bis mittelbronzezeitlichen befestigten Siedlung von Monkodonja, Istrien (Kroatien)},
journal = {Bestattungen und Funde menschlicher Knochen in der früh- bis mittelbronzezeitlichen befestigten Siedlung von Monkodonja, Istrien (Kroatien)}
iThe fortified hilltop settlement of Monkodonja near
the town of Rovinj is located on the western coast of
Istria in a prominent position with a direct view of the
sea. From 1997 to 2008, large-scale excavations and
interdisciplinary investigations within the settlement
took place there as part of a joint German-Croatian-
Slovenian research project. In Istria, more than 300
such sites are known until now, all of which belong
to the type of hillfort, the so-called castellierri. Of all
these, Monkodonja has been the best investigated so
far. Several articles and four monographs have so far
already been published on the results of this project.
The settlement, about 250 m long and 160 m wide,
is one of the largest and best-preserved fortifications
of the Bronze Age in this area. It is divided into three
separate and firmly walled sub-areas: the acropolis,
the upper city, and the lower city with terraces and
enclosed by a mighty fortification wall. This strategically
well-positioned division might also reflect the
social conditions.
In the monumental gate architecture of the settlement’s
main entrance, two remarkable stone cist tombs
were included in a prominent position, containing the
skeletal remains of several people. Detailed anthropological
analyses showed that they had been subjected
to a special burial ritual. In addition to the stone cist
graves, Monkodonja also stands out for the unusually
high number of human bones in all the areas of
the settlement that were investigated. Some of these
were found together with animal bones. They might
represent partly garbage, partly destroyed graves, and
even human remains which can be associated with the
decline of the settlement.
(D) = innerhalb Deutschlands
(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands
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