Siedlungsbestattungen. Ein Phänomen oder gängige Bestattungspraxis? Ausnahme oder Regel?
Ines Beilke-Voigt
Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Beiheft 3 (2024)
https://doi.org/10.30819/mbgaeu.b45.1 pp: 13-28 2025-01-14
Stichworte/keywords: Burial in settlements, deviant burial, burials of little children (babies), anthropology, ethnoarcheology
Cite: APA BibTeX
Beilke-Voigt, I. (). Siedlungsbestattungen. Ein Phänomen oder gängige Bestattungspraxis? Ausnahme oder Regel?. Siedlungsbestattungen. Ein Phänomen oder gängige Bestattungspraxis? Ausnahme oder Regel?, , 13-28. doi:10.30819/mbgaeu.b45.1
doi = {10.30819/mbgaeu.b45.1},
url = {https://doi.org/10.30819/mbgaeu.b45.1},
year = ,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {},
pages = {13-28},
author = {Ines Beilke-Voigt},
title = {Siedlungsbestattungen. Ein Phänomen oder gängige Bestattungspraxis? Ausnahme oder Regel?},
journal = {Siedlungsbestattungen. Ein Phänomen oder gängige Bestattungspraxis? Ausnahme oder Regel?}
Human skeletons in houses or settlements represent a
special finding. They are mostly referred to as deviant
or irregular burials, they deviate from the rule. On one
hand this applies with regard to their location outside
the cemetery and on the other hand with regard to the
variability of the findings. These show that the skeletons
mostly deviate from the burial rite customary at
the time (especially the type of burial). They are found
in atypical body positions or they were buried carefully.
Mostly they appear to not have any grave goods
or on the contrary there are plenty of grave goods. In
some epochs, they seem to be limited to certain age groups. But, does this mean that the term deviant
burial is justified and defined? The question is why
these people were excluded from the usual cemetery
and buried in the settlement? And can you call it an
exclusion at all? The article is intended to provide an
introduction to the topic, the problems and to the interpretation
of the findings.
(D) = innerhalb Deutschlands
(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands
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