International Sports Studies (ISS)

ISSN: 1443-0770

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International Sports Studies

The role of family and football academy in developing

Luiz Uehara, Keith Davids, Gert-Jan Pepping, Rob Gray, Chris Button

International Sports Studies 44 No. 2 (2022)     pp: 6-21     2022-12-19
The role of family and football academy in developing

Stichworte/keywords: expertise, soccer, mesosystem, family support, non-linear pedagogy

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Uehara, L., & Davids, K., & Pepping, G., & Gray, R., & Button, C. (2022). The role of family and football academy in developing. International Sports Studies, 44 (2), 6-21. doi:10.30819/iss.44-2.02
doi = {10.30819/iss.44-2.02},
url = {},
year = 2022,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {44},
number = {2},
pages = {6-21},
author = {Luiz Uehara, Keith Davids, Gert-Jan Pepping, Rob Gray, Chris Button},
title = {The role of family and football academy in developing},
journal = {International Sports Studies}

This study aimed to examine the influence of families and football academies on the pathway to football expertise of Brazilian players. Built on the ‘contextualised skill acquisition research’ framework, data were generated through the triangulation of three methods: contextual analysis; participant-observation, and; interviews, with the latter providing substantial information for the present study. Data were organised according to the mesosystemic context of Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model of human development, thematically analysed, and explained through the perspective of the framework of the ecological dynamics. The findings highlight how players navigate through their environment in relation to the social, emotional, psychological, and educational support they receive, as well as in relation to the clubs' supply of quality football training programmes. The findings provide the basis for practical recommendations to help clubs and their coaches in the task of developing and nurturing their human talent.
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(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands

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