International Sports Studies (ISS)

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International Sports Studies

Extracurricular sport: objectives and perceptions of future physical education teachers

Irantzu Ibañez, Ana Zuazagoitia, Ibon Echeazarra, Luis Maria Zulaika, Iker Ros

International Sports Studies 42 No. 2 (2020)     pp: 32-44     2020-12-21
Extracurricular sport: objectives and perceptions of future physical education teachers

Stichworte/keywords: extracurricular sports, values, educational potential, physical education, teacher training

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Ibañez, I., & Zuazagoitia, A., & Echeazarra, I., & Zulaika, L.M., & Ros, I. (2020). Extracurricular sport: objectives and perceptions of future physical education teachers. International Sports Studies, 42 (2), 32-44. doi:10.30819/iss.42-2.04
doi = {10.30819/iss.42-2.04},
url = {},
year = 2020,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {42},
number = {2},
pages = {32-44},
author = {Irantzu Ibañez, Ana Zuazagoitia, Ibon Echeazarra, Luis Maria Zulaika, Iker Ros},
title = {Extracurricular sport: objectives and perceptions of future physical education teachers},
journal = {International Sports Studies}

Despite the undeniable educational potential of extracurricular sport, the individual and social values attributed to them are not inherent in its practice. It is educators, whose attitudes, disposition and personal vision of extracurricular sport determine how it is implemented. For this reason, this study analysed the opinions and perceptions of future physical education specialists about the objectives of extracurricular sports, with the aim of identifying the main shortcomings and divergences between theory and practice. Three hundred and twenty-eight students of physical education from three different degree programmes, 104 women and 221 men, aged between 17 and 38 years, were surveyed. Although the majority of students considered socialising, educating in values, inclusion, developing motor skills and promoting healthy habits to be fundamental objectives of extracurricular sport, a high percentage of students recognised the importance of values related to competitiveness. It was also found that the students´ academic training was associated with their view of extracurricular sport. A discrepancy between the ideal goals of extracurricular sport and those underlying current practice was perceived by the students. It was concluded that it is essential to improve the training of those agents who interact directly with children in order to transform extracurricular sport to guarantee its contribution to children´s holistic development and a thorough education in values.
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(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands

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