Cultural Management: Science and Education (CMSE)

ISSN: 2512-6962

Cultural Management: Science and Education

Determinants of Network Effectiveness: Evidence from European Cultural Networks

Francesca Imperiale, Marilena Vecco

Cultural Management: Science and Education 3 No. 2 (2019)     pp: 9-32     2019-12-16
Determinants of Network Effectiveness: Evidence from European Cultural Networks

Stichworte/keywords: Cultural network, performance, determinants, Creative Europe, network effectiveness

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Imperiale, F., & Vecco, M. (2019). Determinants of Network Effectiveness: Evidence from European Cultural Networks. Cultural Management: Science and Education, 3 (2), 9-32. doi:10.30819/cmse.3-2.01
doi = {10.30819/cmse.3-2.01},
url = {},
year = 2019,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {3},
number = {2},
pages = {9-32},
author = {Francesca Imperiale, Marilena Vecco},
title = {Determinants of Network Effectiveness: Evidence from European Cultural Networks},
journal = {Cultural Management: Science and Education}

Cultural cooperation in Europe has grown considerably in the last two decades. This growth is mainly driven by European policies that support stable public-private partnerships to enable the cultural workforce to cooperate internationally. This research focuses on the effectiveness of cultural networks, proposing insights for a comprehensive framework of determinants that can enhance or limit their effectiveness. To this end, the paper discusses the results achieved on both a theoretical and empirical level, examining respectively the networking literature on the effectiveness of public-interest networks and surveying the CEOs of ten renowned European cultural networks funded by the Creative Europe Programme.

Abstract, Vita & References (PDF)

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