Cultural Management: Science and Education (CMSE)

ISSN: 2512-6962

Cultural Management: Science and Education

Methodology for analyzing the impact of a cultural event on the economy

Rafał Kasprzak

Cultural Management: Science and Education 1 No. 1 (2017)     pp: 39-48     2017-06-20
Methodology for analyzing the impact of a cultural event on the economy

Stichworte/keywords: Cultural events, economic impast, methodology

Cite: APA    BibTeX

Kasprzak, R. (2017). Methodology for analyzing the impact of a cultural event on the economy. Cultural Management: Science and Education, 1 (1), 39-48. doi:10.30819/cmse.1-1.04
doi = {10.30819/cmse.1-1.04},
url = {},
year = 2017,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {1},
number = {1},
pages = {39-48},
author = {Rafał Kasprzak},
title = {Methodology for analyzing the impact of a cultural event on the economy},
journal = {Cultural Management: Science and Education}

In the paper author is introducing the methodology of economic impact assessment of the cultural events on the regional economy. The aim of the study is to present a coherent methodology for measuring the socio-economic impact of an event, which can be used to estimate the effects of organising mass events. Impact analysis focuses on identifying and assessing of three types of impact defined as direct, indirect and inducted.

Abstract, Vita & References (PDF)

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