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36. Kartierungstreffen der AG Malakologie in Mecklenburg- Vorpommern vom 05. 05.–07. 05. 2017 in Waren (Müritz) (Lkrs. Mecklenburgische Seeplatte)Ulrich Meßner, Holger Menzel-Harloff, Michael L. ZettlerArchiv Natur- und Landeskunde Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 55 (2018)https://doi.org/10.30819/anlk.55.03 pp: 20-31 2018-02-26 |
Stichworte/keywords: Germany, Mecklenburg-West Pommerania, Müritz National Park, Mollusca, Gastropoda, Bivalvia
Owing to its Late-Pleistocene history, the Mecklenburgian Lakeland is particularly rich in different habitats, which is reflected by remarkably high species diversity. During the 36th meeting of the working group Malacology in Mecklenburg-West Pommerania, 116 mollusc species were observed in a relatively small area around the towns of Waren and Penzlin, of which 105 species occurred within the National Park Müritz. Worthy of particular interest is the rich terrestrial gastropod fauna of the meadows between the Müritzhof and Lake Müritz, with Cochlicopa nitens, Pupilla pratensis, Vallonia enniensis Cand two species listed in the annexes to the EU Habitats Directive, Vertigo angustior und V. moulinsiana. Also of importance are some records of freshwater molluscs, particularly the rare and threatened species Anisus vorticulus, Gyraulus acronicus, G. laevis, G. riparius and Pisidium pseudosphaerium. Lake Müritz, being a federal waterway, is subjected to an enormous faunal change. The strong dominance of the newly introduced dreissenid mussel Dreissena bugensis and the absence of the formerly widely distributed gastropod Theodoxus fluviatilis are striking.
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