Compositional Techniques of Mediasi Ukiran – Tenunan VIII For String Quartet: A Study of Arabesque IV
Tazul Izan Tajuddin and Md Jais Ismail
https://doi.org/10.30819/aemr.12-4 pp: 43-56 2023-12-13
Compositional techniques, Contemporary music, String quartet, Arabesque, Islamic art
Cite: APA BibTeX
Tajuddin, T.I., & Ismail, M.J.b. (2023). Compositional Techniques of Mediasi Ukiran – Tenunan VIII For String Quartet: A Study of Arabesque IV. ASIAN-EUROPEAN MUSIC RESEARCH JOURNAL, 12 , 43-56. doi:10.30819/aemr.12-4
doi = {10.30819/aemr.12-4},
url = {https://doi.org/10.30819/aemr.12-4},
year = 2023,
publisher = {Logos Verlag Berlin},
volume = {12},
pages = {43-56},
author = {Tazul Izan Tajuddin and Md Jais Ismail},
title = {Compositional Techniques of Mediasi Ukiran – Tenunan VIII For String Quartet: A Study of Arabesque IV},
This study focuses on a contemporary art work called Mediasi Ukiran – Tenunan VIII for String Quartet composed by Tazul Izan Tajuddin. The researcher highlights the concept of Islamic art, technique in the content, technique in the form, and the meaning of an ‘arabesque’. Compositional techniques were discussed in terms of: (1) pattern-based technique; (2) weaving as the concept of combining pitch and rhythm; and (3) a non-pitch-based concept of sound. The discussion includes the concept of geometrical design, which is reflected in the compositional structure. The weaving concept used in the music piece regards pitch and rhythm, and the concept of sound integrates pitches and non-pitches in the work. There are two main sources of contemporary art music in this study, which are Indo-Malay in ethnic essence and Islamic architectural and geometrical art. Mediasi Ukiran – Tenunan VIII is written for classical instruments specifically for a string quartet. The work highlights the beauty of sound, composition, organization of musical elements, and the uniqueness of the music structure. Notation are arranged from combinations of Eastern and Western ideas jointly creating a rather rarely appearing effect.