ISSN 1443-0770
Preis: 21.50 €
Editorial: Transitioning, receiving the baton, and collaborating
John Saunders, Maria Luisa M. Guinto
pp: 1-7, 2023-09-14
Healthy ageing in the global pandemic
Karin Volkwein-Caplan
pp: 8-17, 2023-09-14
Well-being of university students during the Covid-19 pandemic: An Indonesian case study
Sapto Adi
pp: 18-28, 2023-09-14
Exploring the link between cortisol levels and personality traits among professional athletes
Billymo Rist, Anthea C Clarke, Tony Glynn, Alan J. Pearce
pp: 29-41, 2023-09-14
Home advantage in elimination games and the NBA play-in tournament
Timothy L. Urban
pp: 42-58, 2023-09-14
Ensuring satisfaction in rural youth soccer: The consequences of age-unbalanced teams, and suggested remedies
Christian Fischer
pp: 59-73, 2023-09-14
Participating in plogging as an eco-friendly physical activity: Motivations and reasons
Akbar Jaberi
pp: 74-91, 2023-09-14
Book Review: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Sport, by Ellen J. Staurowsky and Algerian Hart
Darlene A. Kluka
pp: 92-93, 2023-09-14
ISCPES News from the President
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