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International Sports StudiesVolume 41 No. 1 (2019)
67 Seiten |
John Saunders
pp: 1-4, 2019-05-06
Swimming carnivals in New South Wales government schools: traditions and challenges
Steve Georgakis
pp: 5-15, 2019-05-06
Greek physical education students' calibration accuracy in sport and knowledge tasks – a comparison
Athanasios Kolovelonis
pp: 16-28, 2019-05-06
In good times and bad times: a model of fan loyalty drawn from Turkish Super League supporters
Metin Argan, Caner Özgen
pp: 29-39, 2019-05-06
A structural model for investigating the role of relationship marketing and brand equity in the development of the business performance of private sport clubs
Mohammad Zarei Mahmoudabadi, Seyed Mohammad Javad Razavi, Hossein Abdolmaleki
pp: 40-53, 2019-05-06
Book Review: Greenberg, J. D., and LoBianco, J. L. (2019). Organization and Administration of Physical Education: Theory and Practice. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
Darlene A. Kluka
pp: 54-55, 2019-05-06
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