
International Sports Studies

Vol 36 No. 1 (2014)

Journal of the International Society for
Comparative Physical Education and Sport
83 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
Preis: 19.00 €


Sink or swim: A comparative case study analysis of the organizational effectiveness of Swimming/Natation Canada and Australian Swimming Inc. 2003-04
Julie E. Steinberg, & Karen Danylchuk

Race, sport, and the American occupation of the Philippines
Gerald R. Gems

Physical education and the everyday movement of primary school children
Jan Erhorn

Extracurricular sports in European schools: A descriptive study
Adilson Marques, Martin Holzweg, Claude Scheuer, Rose-Marie Repond, Catarina Correia, Raquel Espirito Santo, & Marcos Onofre

Book Reviews / Reports / ISCPES Information

Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • Sports Studies
  • ISS
  • Physical Education
  • School Sport


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