
Cultural Management: Science and Education

Volume 5, No. 2 (2021)

157 Seiten
ISSN 2512-6962
Preis: 22.00 €


Ethnic-Based Cultural Differences: Study of Lithuania's Russian Minority
Grazina Ciuladiene, Karolina Walancik, Viktorija Sevcuvianec
pp: 9-22, 2022-01-04

Media Cultural Landscape: Experience from Czechia
Jan Such|ček, Jaroslav Koutský
pp: 23-32, 2022-01-04

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statements in the U. S. Creative Sector: Progress, or More Bullshit?
Antonio C. Cuyler
pp: 33-46, 2022-01-04

Art and Communication: A Look to the Art Market
Adria Harillo Pla
pp: 47-64, 2022-01-04

Cultural Determinants of Business Negotiations and Behaviors
Grzegorz Maciejewski
pp: 65-82, 2022-01-04

European Museums: Surviving the COVID-19 Pandemic
Dejana Prnjat
pp: 83-94, 2022-01-04

Stakeholder Salience Model in the Practices of Public Museum Management
Magdalena Sawczuk
pp: 95-110, 2022-01-04

Study of University Students’ Learning Motivation for Improving the Educational Process Efficiency (in Riga and Smolensk Samples)
Jelena Jermolajeva, Svetlana Silchenkova, Larissa Turusheva
pp: 111-126, 2022-01-04

Identification of Values Shaping Inter-Organizational Relations on the Example of the Project The Metropolitan Theatres Night
Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Dominika Wienchor, Jacek Woźnikowski
pp: 127-144, 2022-01-04

Book Review: Creating the Global Cultural City via Public Participation in the Arts: Conversation with Hong Kong´s Leading Arts and Cultural Administrators by Patrick Lo, Wei-En Hsu, Stephanie H.S. Wu, J. Travis and Dickson Chiu
Michal Plaček
pp: 145-148, 2022-01-04

Book Review: Museum Management: Opportunities and Threats for Successful Museums by Milan Jan Půček, Michal Plaček and Frantisek Ochrana
Magdalena Sobocińska
pp: 149-152, 2022-01-04


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