Cultural Management: Science and EducationVolume 4 No 1 (2020)
145 Seiten |
Principles of Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Management in Rural and Ultra-peripheral Territories: Extracting Guidelines for Application in the Azores Archipelago
Rui Alexandre Castanho, Gualter Couto, Pedro Pimentel
pp: 9-24, 2020-06-25
Transition of Cultural Policies in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia: Between Nationalistic and Opportunistic Tendencies
Vesna Čopič
pp: 25-46, 2020-06-25
Comparison of Hungarian and Vietnamese Cultural Differences in Classic Behavioural Economics Experiments
Anita Kolnhofer-Derecskei, Viktor Nagy
pp: 47-72, 2020-06-25
The Mediatization and Culturalization of Populist Political Communication
Milena Dragićević Šešić, Mirjana Nikolić
pp: 73-84, 2020-06-25
“Figuring the Chaos Out”: Organization of the Krakow Film Music Festival from the Perspective of Project Manager and Stage Manager
Marcin Laberschek, Martyna Piotrowska, Agnieszka Kantor, Kinga Reczka, Katarzyna Ciemiera, Aldona Stopa
pp: 85-104, 2020-06-25
Being Ready to Lecture a Multicultural Class: Asian Preferences for Conflict Management Style
Gražina Čiuladienė, Marek Walancik
pp: 105-118, 2020-06-25
Building the Relationship Between Cultural Institutions and Citizens of a Small City Divided by the Border
Łukasz Wróblewski
pp: 119-128, 2020-06-25
Digital Storytelling in Interdisciplinary and Inter-institutional Collaboration - Lessons from our Youngest
Jasmina Maric
pp: 129-144, 2020-06-25
The Specific Features of Public Relations Maintained by Libraries, Acting as Cultural Institutions
Radosław Molenda
pp: 145-152, 2020-06-25
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