
Cultural Management: Science and Education

Volume 3 (2019)

146 Seiten
ISSN 2512-6962
Preis: 22.00 €


Determinants of Network Effectiveness: Evidence from European Cultural Networks
Francesca Imperiale, Marilena Vecco
pp: 9-32, 2019-12-16

Artists’ Royalties and Performers’ Equity: A Ground-Up Approach to Social Impact Investment in Creative Fields
Hannah Grannemann, Amy Whitaker
pp: 33-52, 2019-12-16

Visual Artists’ Use of Digital Self-Marketing Strategies – A Quantitative Survey on the Present Situation in Germany
Jessica Hodgkiss, Sarah Fassio, Adrianna Rosa
pp: 53-72, 2019-12-16

Can Crowdfunding Come to the Rescue of Culture and Arts? Evidence from Romania
Mina Fanea-Ivanovici
pp: 73-82, 2019-12-16

Reasons to Use Beacon Technology as a Tool to Study Audience Behaviour in Museums
Iryna Manczak, Katarzyna Sanak-Kosmowska, Maria Bajak
pp: 83-94, 2019-12-16

An Analysis of Cultural Entrepreneurship in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Hamed al Hamed, Alexandros Apostolakis, Shabbar Jaffry, Markos Kourgiantakis
pp: 95-110, 2019-12-16

Risk Management for Cultural Organizations.The Example of Agricultural Museums in the Czech Republic
Michal Plaček, Milan Půček, František Ochrana, Milan Křápek, Ondřej H. Matyáš
pp: 111-122, 2019-12-16

Polish-German Cooperation in the Field of Cultural Heritage: the Case of the European Park Association of Lusatia
Joanna Kurowska-Pysz, Peter Ulrich
pp: 123-143, 2019-12-16


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