The present work sheds light on some significant sociopolitical and cultural aspects which played decisive roles in the collapse of the Sasanian Empire, a world's antique power, whose decline --with no exaggeration-- rewrote the history of the three Asian, European and African continents. The authors meticulously describe, analyze and evaluate all the major historical events at the eve of the Arabo-Islamic invasions whose prediction, and subsequently underestimation by and rivalry within the Sasanian nobility put a definite end to the last Iranian pre-Islamic monarchy. The reader hence, by studying this book, may reconsider the downfall of Sasanians and the rise of the Islamic Caliphate to be a mere unexpected event; a cliché which still dominates within majority of scholars and those interested in the Middle East and Iranian Studies looking at Sasanians' decline as an incomprehensible surprise.
Farshid Delshad (1972) is an Iranian-German academic and scholar of Middle Eastern and Oriental Studies. He has been teaching and conducting research on Iranian and Islamic Studies as well as Comparative-Historical Linguistics in Iran, Georgia, Germany, Switzerland and the United States. He is currently working as an affiliated faculty at the Middle East Institute in Washington D.C.
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