
Alchemy of Punk. Transmutation, Subversion, and Poetry in Punk Avant-Gardes

culture - discourse - history, Vol. 7 Exzellenzinitiative 2020

Aneta Panek

ISBN 978-3-8325-5568-9
286 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Preis: 49.00 €
Alchemy of Punk. Transmutation, Subversion, and Poetry in Punk Avant-Gardes
Alchemy of Punk, a thesis and opera developed by Aneta Panek as part of her PhD, investigates punk’s poetics and motifs, genealogy, and subversive reinvention.

Reaching as far back as the Middle Ages and exploring the tradition of troubadours, minnesingers, madrigals, beggar’s operas, and murder ballads, Aneta proposes to understand punk as an embodiment of Dionysian art; a danse macabre celebrating life through performative, screamed poetry. In her textual exploration of punk—this thesis—she delves into the vast forms of expression adopted by punk’s vagabonds, outcasts, and poètes maudits, and in her artwork—the punk opera—she tests the theories and ideas presented in her thesis, bringing together the greatest voices of classical opera, punk, and industrial rock in an explosive spectacle of theatrical and musical experiences, video installation, and live performance.

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  • Punk
  • Opera
  • Transmutation
  • Sublimation
  • Satanism


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