Global Diakonia and Palm Oil Industry in Indonesia. Embedded Economics for an Interdisciplinary Ecclesiological Model of Bridging State, Business and Society
Jenny Purba
ISBN 978-3-8325-5451-4
492 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2022
Preis: 51.00 €
Palm oil for almost three decades has become the backbone of the Indonesian economy. Apparently, this industry brings not only positive but also negative impacts, especially to the ecology and society. Even though the industry is taking place in Indonesia, the global supply chain links this sector worldwide. On the basis of this observation, churches are called to practice diakonia in this industry, globally.
This book details the historical evolution and contemporary palm oil industry in Indonesia and worldwide, corporate social responsibility and palm oil sustainability certifications. The thesis stands for a knowledgeable and argumentatively consistently developed form of interdisciplinarity between diaconia science and economics. The development of relevant economic-theoretical and economic-historical contexts are used in their normative references for theological and diaconic-scientific relations.
The approach of ``Embedded Economic Ethics'', discovers and develops the ethical questions in the empirical and theoretical context of economics itself. With this background, the concept of ``Global Diakonia'' is developed throughout this book, which represents a new creation with the international references of diaconal engagement and its terminology. The idea of ``bridge building'' within the state, business and society is taken up theologically and is based on the idea of diakonia as a ``go between'' hermeneutically. The conclusion of the work is the concrete and exemplary draft for a project that the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) could launch.