
Beyond Europe: Central Asia, the Middle East and Global Economy

Tadeusz Wallas, Sang-Chul Park, Radoslaw Fiedler, Przemyslaw Osiewicz (Hrsg.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-5224-4
280 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2021
Preis: 46.00 €
Beyond Europe: Central Asia, the Middle East and Global Economy
Beyond Europe: Central Asia, the Middle East and Global Economy is an interesting look at the role of Central Asia and the Middle East in the global and Eurasian economy. Authors of this volume highlight the most important conditions of global and regional cooperation and political and economic competition. The volume provides a broad and critical analysis of regional geoeconomic trends. It underscores the most important conditions of global and regional cooperation and political and economic rivalry, as well as the position of regions in the economic and foreign policy of global and regional powers. The wide selection of examples means that the reader receives a large dose of knowledge about the political and economic realities of these regions, the ongoing processes, and the specifics of the rivalry.

cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
  • European Union
  • Geopolitics
  • Central Asia
  • Middle East


46.00 €
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43.50 €
56.00 €
62.50 €

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