MPI Series in Biological Cybernetics, Bd. 52
Furthermore, an admittance-impedance control strategy is employed to act on them differently. This new hardware/software architecture allows for the safe human-UAV physical interaction through exchange of forces. But at the same time, other limitations such as the inability to exchange torques due to the underactuation of quadrotors and the need for a robust controller become evident. In order to improve the robust performance of the UAV, an adaptive super twisting sliding mode controller that works efficiently against parameter uncertainties, unknown dynamics and external perturbations is implemented. In addition, a novel fully actuated tilted propeller hexarotor UAV is designed along with the exact feedback linearization controller and the tilt angles are optimized in order to minimize power consumption, thereby improving the flight time. This fully actuated hexarotor could reorient while hovering and perform 6DoF (Degrees of Freedom) trajectory tracking. Eventually, the external wrench observer, interaction techniques, hardware design, software framework, the robust controller and the different methodologies are put together into the development of Human-UAV physical interaction with fully actuated Hexarotor UAV. This framework allows humans and UAVs to exchange forces as well as torques, becoming the next generation platform for the aerial manipulation and human physical interaction with UAVs.
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