
Impedance spectroscopy for characterization of biological matter

Wissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Medizinelektronik, Bd. 8

Juan Jose Montero Rodriguez

ISBN 978-3-8325-4746-2
175 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Preis: 48.00 €
Impedance spectroscopy for characterization of biological matter
Standard characterization methods of biological cells are time consuming and may reduce cell viability by staining them with markers. An alternative fast and non-destructive method is developed using impedance spectroscopy, which has potential applications in biology. The technique is used to identify tumor cells in mice, detect bacterial eye infections, monitor fruit ripening, and measure sweat lactate concentration in humans by using a skin sensor. These applications often require a portable measurement system. Therefore, three portable systems were designed and tested. It has been shown that the method can be further improved by four-terminal measurements. For extension of the method in the millimeter-wave frequencies, full electromagnetic simulation of the chip has been carried out, and electrodes and interconnections have been adjusted accordingly.

Juan José Montero Rodriguez (born April 7, 1988 in San José, Costa Rica) studied electronic engineering and obtained the Licentiate degree in 2011 at the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, where he continued his formation in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS), and obtained the Master of Science degree in 2013. Then he started his doctoral degree studies in 2014 at the Institute of Nano- and Medical Electronics of the Hamburg University of Technology.

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  • Cytology
  • Electronic engineering
  • Impedance spectroscopy
  • Integrated circuits
  • Miniaturization


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