
Will Spook You For Real. Strategies of inspiring Societal Anxieties

Christina Maria Huber

ISBN 978-3-8325-4702-8
341 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Preis: 41.50 €
Will Spook You For Real. Strategies of inspiring Societal Anxieties
Popular fiction can be more than "feel-good diversion". Stories which are intended to entertain are uniquely suited to affect their recipients' feelings or moods, and tend to leave a more sustained impression than lectures or lists of facts. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that story-telling keeps on thriving in the 21st century, with ever new media providing ever new space for narratives.

In Will Spook You For Real, Huber examines a wide range of strategies used in fiction to trigger a specific emotion in the readers: anxiety regarding the social constructs they live in, and their specific positions within these constructs. Can we trust our neighbours? Can we rely on our governments? What do big corporations have in mind? And what happens if I cannot conform to the role which has been assigned to me?

Dr. Christina Maria Huber studied English Literature and Politics & International Studies at the Universities of Vienna, Bristol, and Heidelberg. She lives and works in Hamburg, Germany.

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Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • Popular Fiction
  • Anxieties
  • Urban Legends
  • Societal Anxieties
  • Emotions


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