
Media, Sport, Nationalism. East Asia: Soft Power Projection via the Modern Olympic Games

Keiko Ikeda, Chang Wan Woo, Tianwei Ren (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-4651-9
320 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2019
Preis: 44.00 €
Media, Sport, Nationalism. East Asia: Soft Power Projection via the Modern Olympic Games
Review: "This collection of essays is no doubt an important contribution to the existing field of sports, nationalism, and the media. With its interdisciplinary and interregional approach, it effectively bridges the gap between these themes and connects it to the larger framework of soft power, making it interesting for scholars in several fields." Susanne Kranz , In:,, Datum des Zugrifffs 10-3-2020

Description: This collection explores the significance of the Olympic Games for national identity, pride and prestige internally, regionally and internationally. Each East Asian nation has hosted the Games in a political and geopolitical historical context specific to itself and the times. The respective Games have been statements reflecting national preoccupations of these times. Each Games has had its internal and external political purposes that went far beyond the glamourous hosting of a mega-sports event. Each Games provided its nation’s modern media with the opportunity to project a positive image of national reconstruction, and in the instances of Japan and South Korea, rebirth after traumatic wars. In addition, each Games drew attention progressively to the emergence of a ‘New East Asia’: modern, advanced and increasingly prosperous. This emergence was depicted proudly on international sports fields and in sports areas through an increasingly sophisticated media. This collection is the first academic investigation of the relationship between media, sport and nationalism in the specific context of the rise of the East Asian Olympic nations to increasing geopolitical, political and economic modern ascendancy. It concentrates on the media projection of the East Asian Olympic Games as a modern depiction of this ascendancy.

"East Asia is increasingly prominent within global sport. In the short period between 2018 and 2022 it will have held two Winter and one Summer Olympics, and the Rugby World Cup for good measure. This is not a sudden development. It has been in train for some time, although many scholars, especially in Europe and North America, have been focussed primarily on sport in their own countries and regions. J.A. Mangan, who for decades has been looking closely at sport in East Asia while encouraging others to do likewise, has made a major contribution to knowledge and understanding of a once under-appreciated subject.

This excellent collection in his honour analyses the key interwoven elements of sport, media and nation in China, Japan and South Korea. It demonstrates how the structure and practice of sport connects in myriad ways with its representation, not least with regard to national narratives, international rivalries and transnational trends. It is a book that does signal justice both to East Asian Studies and to the academic who recognised the importance of sport to that field, and who has done so much to ensure that the region is centrally placed within any contemporary analysis of the world of sport."
David Rowe, Emeritus Professor of Cultural Research, Institute for Culture and Society, Western Sydney University

"Professor Mangan is the master dissector of the connections between sport and politics, geopolitics and nationalism across multiple Asian contexts. A collection of essays in honour of his long service to academic understandings of these fields is well deserved, and the editors and contributors to this volume have served up a worthy tribute. Showcasing new work by a stellar cast of China, Japan and Korea experts, in combination the papers collected here yield valuable insights into the issues of nation building, identity, media representation and sport which have been the subject of Professor Mangan's pioneering work over the past several decades. No one has done more to put East Asia on the map in terms of academic research on the manifold socio-political dimensions of sport, and this superbly constructed volume orchestrated by rising Tianwei Ren confirms that we neglect this fascinating, complex region at our peril."
Jonathan Sullivan, Director of China Policy Institute and China Soccer Observatory, Associate Professor, School of Politics and IR. University of Nottingham

Tianwei Ren is International Coordinator, Faculty of International Media, Communication University of China (CUC). B.A. from Nanjing University, China, M.Sc. from the London School of Economics and Political Science, Ph.D. candidate of Party School of the Central Committee of CPC. She is a commissioning editor of the journal Global Media and China, and is involved in academic liaison and editing for many publications. Her research interests include the construction of political and social image and identity via the modern media, particularly the media as means of national projection, representation and identity in a period of increasing acceleration of the East Asian nations to the centre of the world stage.

Keiko Ikeda is a Professor in the Faculty of Education at Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, where she specializes in, Educational and Social Developmental Studies. Professor Ikeda researches and publishes in a wide area including topics stemming from the history of sport (particularly British and Japanese), sport journalism and feminism in sport. She has been a visiting Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Social History at University of Warwick, and in the International Centre for Sport History at De Montfort University. Since 2009 Professor Ikeda has been a member of ISHPES Council and is currently Vice-President of ISHPES since 2017.

Chang Wan Woo, Ph.D. (The University of Alabama, U.S.A.) is an associate professor in the School of Communication Studies at James Madison University, where he teaches public relations courses including Sports Public Relations, Public Relations Management, and Public Relations Campaign. Chang Wan is a founding member of the International Association for Communication and Sports and currently serves as a coordinator for the sport communication minor program at JMU and a faculty adviser of the JMU Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America.

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  • East Asian Politics and Geopolitics
  • Mega-sports Event
  • Media Projection
  • Soft Power Projection
  • Triple Asian Olympics


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