Practicing Dance. A Somatic Orientation
Jenny Coogan (Ed.)
ISBN 978-3-8325-4213-9
215 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2016
Preis: 19.90 €
Review: "It is though this broad understanding of somatics that Coogan and her contributers skillfully illuminate how und why somatics can bei egaged as a pedagogical orientatation to advance a training practice that can facilitate today's contemporary dancers to be as adept as possible when encountering the complex challenges of their chosen profession." Sherrie Barr, MFA, CMA; In: Journal of Dance Education 17 (4), p. 165
"Gracefully, it offers in equal measure scaffolding for future empirical studies and springboards for experiential discovery." Malaika Sarco-Thomas, School of Performing Arts, University of Malta; In: Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, p. 130-13
Content: Within the framework of the research project InnoLernenTanz at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden, in this book Jenny Coogan – professor of contemporary dance at the same institution – offers a forum in which she and guest authors consider questions such as:
- How are the parameters crucial to the understanding of contemporary dance, such as personal agency, actually embodied?
- How does the German system of dance education foster such parameters?
- How can somatic approaches contribute to encouraging dancers to experience their education from a first-person perspective of authority with enhanced self-reliance, self-reflection, and social consciousness?
Practicing Dance: A Somatic Orientation includes accounts of field research, essays and interviews, as well as suggestions for studio practice that demonstrate the synergy between contemporary dance and the Feldenkrais Method. The range of perspectives offered invites critical reflection on methods to support young dance artists in embracing the twenty-first century challenges of professional performing careers.
Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)
- Contemporary dance education
- Somatic movement dance education
- Feldenkrais Method
- Palucca University of Dance Dresden
| 19.90 € |
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Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands |
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