
Barodesy and its Application for Clay

Advances in Geotechnical Engineering and Tunnelling, Bd. 20

Gertraud Medicus

ISBN 978-3-8325-4055-5
131 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
Preis: 51.00 €
Barodesy and its Application for Clay
Barodesy is a constitutive model for granular materials. It is based on proportional strain and stress paths and the asymptotic behaviour of soil.

In this work, an existing relation for proportional strain paths and proportional stress paths is further developed.

A modification of barodesy to model clay behaviour is introduced. Common concepts of soil mechanics, such as critical states, barotropy and pyknotropy are comprised.

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  • barodesy / Barodesie
  • constitutive model / Materialmodell
  • clay / Ton
  • proportional paths / proportionale Pfade
  • asymptotic soil behaviour / asymptotisches Bodenverhalten


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