
Transformation processes in Egypt after 2011. The causes, their course and international response

Radoslaw Fiedler, Przemyslaw Osiewicz (Eds.)

ISBN 978-3-8325-4049-4
230 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
Preis: 36.00 €
Transformation processes in Egypt after 2011. The causes, their course and international response
"The main advantage of this monograph is that it attempts to conduct the most up-to-date analysis possible of the present political situation in Egypt and the Middle East. Therefore we receive a monograph which allows us not only to look at the Arab Spring from a historical perspective, but primarily to reflect on the consequences of these past events that it was hoped would spark political reforms in Arab states and facilitate greater public participation in the system of governance. Thus, this publication allows the verification of many of the judgments and opinions expressed during the Arab Spring, on the possible direction of development of the political processes initiated by the massive social revolts in Arab countries."

Professor Radoslaw Bania

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Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • Egypt
  • Transformation process
  • Middle East
  • Arab Spring


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