Aachener Beiträge zur Technischen Akustik, Bd. 21
In a first part, the scattering coefficient is introduced in its meaning and implications. New empirical data of scattering objects have been determined and a revised scale model of a reverberation chamber for avoiding measurement accuracies is presented. A case study of classroom acoustics proves the benefit of experimental data on the accuracy of acoustic computer simulations. Furthermore, the implementation of scattering coefficient in different room acoustic computer software is shown by using a concert hall as a case study.
In a second part, the relationship between scattering coefficient and auditory perception is explored. Binaural impulse responses have been determined for different scenarios, such as two virtual enclosed spaces and one real concert hall, and convolved with music samples to be used in listening tests. Results from listening tests show how changes in scattering coefficient of diffusing surfaces affect the perception of music among the audience in concert halls.
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