Physical Education: Quality in Management and Teaching
Movement / Play / Sport, Bd. 10
Claude Scheuer, Branislav Antala, Martin Holzweg (Eds.)
ISBN 978-3-8325-3802-6
201 pages, year of publication: 2014
price: 34.00 €
In the field of Physical Education, the aspect of quality is currently widely discussed. In accord with the development on a political level, it is important that on both the scientific and the professional level, the improvement of physical education is brought forward. In line with numerous activities that may support the dissemination and the knowledge exchange and practical experience in relation with quality physical education among European countries and the rest of the world, the Fédération internationale de l'Éducation Physique (FIEP) and the European Physical Education Association (EUPEA) prepared this publication under the title "Physical Education: Quality in Management and Teaching". This book is also a result of the active cooperation between FIEP members and EUPEA members, as it is foreseen in the alliance between these two international associations in the field of Physical Education.
The complete monograph contains articles written by 36 authors from 14 countries (Algeria, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Macao, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Venezuela). This gives evidence of a wide cooperation and a concrete image of the challenge that represents the improvement of Physical Education.