
Being a Christian in Igbo Land. Facts, Fictions and Challenges

Eze Ikechukwu

ISBN 978-3-8325-3542-1
229 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Preis: 38.50 €
Being a Christian in Igbo Land. Facts, Fictions and Challenges
It is not always a comfortable position to question the position of a good majority. However, it is known that the majority can sometimes be wrong or see things differently. It takes courage and a particularly critical mind to question the depth of the Christian Faith in a land seen as the future of Christianity in Africa. As a Priest with some pastoral experience both in Africa and in Europe, the Author is at home with the subject matter in this book. He accepts the fact of the growing numbers in the churches but questions the depth of conviction in the face of the problems arising from the clash of values between Christian Faith and Igbo Traditional Religion. He maintains that, if God saw enough reasons to create men differently and revealed himself differently to them, he - God accepts that men have different understandings of his relationship with them and that they may relate with him using what is available to them - their Culture and Tradition.

Eze Ikechukwu is a native of Nsukka in Enugu State -Nigeria. He was born in 1962. He holds Bachelor's degree in Philosophy B. Phil (1985), a Bachelor's degree in Theology Bd. (1989). He was ordained a catholic Priest in August 1989 and has worked in many parishes in both Enugu and Nsukka Dioceses. He has a deep love for music and sports. 1998 saw him in Innsbruck - Austria where he did a master's program in Dogmatic and Ecumenical Theology (Mag. theol. 2001). In 2005 he obtained a doctorate degree in Pastoral Theology (Mag. Dr. theol.) from Leopold Franzes University Innsbruck Austria. Prior Eze is currently the superior of Our Lady of Mount Carmel's Parish, Niedergesteln in Switzerland.

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  • Christentum
  • Mission
  • Inkulturation
  • Befreiungstheologie
  • Neu Evangelisierung


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