
Pretty Good Anonymity. Achieving high performance anonymity services with a single node architecture

Ronny Standtke

ISBN 978-3-8325-3365-6
225 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Preis: 44.50 €
Pretty Good Anonymity. Achieving high performance anonymity services with a single node architecture
There are several anonymity architectures for Internet communication in use today. They are either unsafe or very complex.

In this work the design, implementation and evaluation of an anonymity architecture that provides a high level of protection and is still simple enough to enable high-bandwidth, low-latency Internet communications is presented.

The architecture uses a single-node anonymity service provider in combination with anonymity groups. The software components of the architecture consist of a client program for end-users, a server program for the anonymity service provider and a remote management component for the server program.

To enable a high-bandwidth and low-latency communication between the client program and the server program a new high-performance IO-framework was designed and implemented.

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cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
  • Anonymität
  • Dummytraffic
  • NIO
  • Java Management Extension
  • High Performance


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