International Marketing Mix Management.
Theoretical Framework, Contingency Factors and Empirical Findings from World-Markets
Tobias Richter
ISBN 978-3-8325-3098-3
233 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
Preis: 29.80 €
For years academicians and marketing directors have debated the marketing standardisation versus adaptation of international marketing strategy. Despite the great importance of the topic, the debate remains unresolved. At the same time, the continuing globalisation of markets and the growing importance of the emerging BRIC markets make an optimal management of international marketing efforts a necessity. Therefore, this study offers - on the basis of a solid theoretical framework and sound methodological operationalization - empirical findings on how to successfully manage both, the international marketing mix and the related marketing process in world markets. In particular, the marketing strategy pursued by multinational corporations are analysed and compared as well as empirical findings relating to financial and non-financial performance measures are provided.
Prof. Dr. Tobias Richter researches at Trier University of Applied Sciences and advises major firms. Prior to this, he served as Executive Member of the Board of Directors and as European marketing director in the UK and as marketing director of a German marketing agency. Previous posts: product manager, category manager (Europe) and project manager (Global) with a Dax-30 corporation. He studied at Freie Universität Berlin and at University of California at Berkeley, USA. He holds a dual MBA from the University of Bristol, UK, and the École Nationale de Ponts et Chaussées, France. The author earned his doctorate at University of Warwick, UK.