
Logic and Computations

Herman Ruge Jervell

ISBN 978-3-8325-3090-7
130 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr:2012
Preis: 19.80 €
Logic and Computations
This short book is a complete introduction to logic and computations. As computations we use finite state automata and turing machines. In logic we use sequent calculus and show its completeness. The interrelation between logic and computations is stressed by using predicate logic to simulate computations and seeing how undecidability phenomena on computations is transferred to incompleteness in logic. We end up with discussions of complexity both in logic and in computations.

A novel feature here is the use of AND-OR trees in describing alternating automata, in introducing sequent calculus, and in complexity.

Author: Herman Ruge Jervell (1945) is professor of logic in Department of Informatics, University of Oslo

Please see as well: Modal logic and Proof theory

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Inhaltsverzeichnis (PDF)


  • automata
  • turing machines
  • describing compuations
  • sequent calculus
  • complexity


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