
Examples for Policy Evaluation and Stakeholder Integration in the European Organic Farming Sector

Christian Eichert

ISBN 978-3-8325-2896-6
160 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2011
Preis: 35.00 €
Examples for Policy Evaluation and Stakeholder Integration in the European Organic Farming Sector
This book introduces different aspects of policy evaluation and stakeholder integration in the European organic farming sector. Based on case studies it obtains insights into the effectiveness of policy-making in the field of organic farming. Furthermore it identifies feasible ways to adequately integrate stakeholders into policy-making in the area of organic farming.

Two elements that have dominated the debate in the field in recent years are introduced and discussed: The European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming (EUOAP) and the ''revision process'' of setting-up and implementing a new EU Organic Regulation.

Furthermore, the author introduces the ''dual role'' concept as fundamental justification for political intervention into the organic sector. A method-based evaluation of the German organic action plan for the promotion of organic farming (Federal Organic Farming Scheme) is presented.

In a further section dedicated to Organic Action Plans, the book analyses the applicability and relevance of the on-going European Action Plan for Organic Food and Farming. In methodological terms, the author presents the first-time application of a novel evaluation toolbox developed in an EU-funded research project. The book ends with a discussion on questions of ''stakeholder integration'' in the European organic farming policy framework.

  • Organic Farming
  • Policy Evaluation
  • Stakeholder Integration


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