Two-sided projective resolutions, periodicity and local algebras
Stefanie Küpper
ISBN 978-3-8325-2724-2
75 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 2010
Preis: 32.00 €
This book introduces a new point of view on two-sided projective resolutions of associative algebras. By gluing the vertices we associate a local algebra A
loc to any finite dimensional algebra A. We try to derive information on the cohomology of A from the associated local algebra A
loc, that is from the local equivalence class of A. For instance, the Anick-Green resolution is minimal for A if and only if it is so for A
loc. We can read off the relations of A whether there is a locally equivalent algebra that has a finite or a periodic bimodule resolution over itself.
Comparing an algebra A and an associated monomial algebra Amon, there are inequalities of the following kind: If the resolution of the monomial algebra Amon is locally finite, then the resolution of A is locally finite. If the resolution of Amon is locally periodic, then the resolution of A is either locally finite or locally almost periodic.
Wollen auch Sie Ihre Dissertation veröffentlichen?
- Darstellungstheorie / Representationtheory
- Hochschild Cohomologie / Hochschild cohomology
- Homologische Algebra / Homological algebra
- projektive Auflösungen / projective resolutions
- Lokale Algebren / local algebras
| 32.00 € |
auf Lager |
Versandkostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands |
| 32.00 € |
| 42.00 € |
| 46.00 € | |
(D) = innerhalb Deutschlands
(W) = außerhalb Deutschlands
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