Ownership, Property Rights Structure and Economic Performance in Developed and Transitional Countries
Ronghui Zhang
ISBN 978-3-8325-1880-6
231 pages, year of publication: 2008
price: 40.50 €
Since a long time a large number of economic papers have devoted to studying why there is obvious efficiency difference of enterprises in developed and transitional countries, how modern enterprises operate and what situations play crucial role in corporate efficiency. It is widely considered that enterprise's financial ownership is a determinant factor for efficiency variety.
This book compares operation's situation of enterprises in developed and transitional countries. It indicates that property rights' balance, which is brought about by ownership change, plays a crucial role in corporate performance. If the balance is realized, efficiency could be basically ensured. In developed countries there exists generally a balanced property rights structure, which resulted from their social historical development. But transition countries lack such a balanced structure.