Conceptual Systems

Logische Philosophie, Bd. 13

Pavel Materna

ISBN 978-3-8325-0636-0
195 pages, year of publication: 2004
price: 34.00 €
We all frequently use the word "concept". Yet do we know what we mean using this word in sundry contexts? Can we say, for example, that there can be more concepts of an object? Or: can we state that some concepts develop? What relation does connect concepts with expressions of a natural language? What is the meaning of an expression? Is Quine's `stimulus meaning' the only possibility of defining meaning?

The author of the present publication (and of "Concepts and Objects", 1998) offers some answers to these (and many other) questions from the viewpoint of transparent intensional logic founded by the late Czech logician Pavel Tichy (+ 1994 Dunedin).

cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover cover
Table of contents (PDF)


  • concept
  • construction
  • intension
  • intensional logic
  • possible worlds
  • translatability


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