The Color Constancy Problem in Multispectral Remote Sensing - On the Impact of Surface Orientation on Spectral Signatures

Rafael Wiemker

ISBN 978-3-89722-046-1
280 Seiten, Erscheinungsjahr: 1998
Preis: 40.00 €
This work sheds new light on the impact of surface orientation in multispectral remote sensing. In situ experiments are presented which show that the spectral signatures of even Lambertian surfaces experience color shifts when the surfaces are tilted.

The magnitude of this effect is quantified, and its nature can be understood from the spectral difference of sunlight and skylight. An algebraic mapping is introduced in order to generate a spectral descriptor which is invariant against these spectral changes as caused by surface tilts. The performance of this spectral invariant is checked on simulated and real multispectral imagery. The application potential of the parameter-free and fast-computable invariant lies in digital image processing such as multispectral classification, change detection etc.

  • Fernerkundung
  • Multispektralbilder
  • Digitale Bildverarbeitung


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